Title: Imperfect Penance Author: mimic117 Email: mimic1172@gmail.com Category: A, vignette, challenge Rating: G, but not the fluffy kind Spoilers: Pine Bluff Variant Summary: A penitent man. Archive: Yah sure you betcha. Disclaimer: I have to admit, CC and Co did a splendid job with the episode, so I'm willing to give them credit where credit is due. Just don't get me started on Seasons 8 and 9. Author's Thanks: To Sybil for once again tickling my muse. You naughty thing... Written for the Haven "Speak To Me, Baby" 310 Word Challenge, May 2003. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imperfect Penance by mimic117 I didn't want to keep her in the dark. I swear to you, I would have told her everything because I know she worries about me. But Skinner and the goon from the CIA said I couldn't bring Scully into it in any way, shape or form. I wasn't *allowed* to tell her, for my sake as well as her own. It's a dangerous assignment, I won't kid you about that. I knew what I was getting into from the start, although I wasn't happy about going in without backup. Still, Skinner was right. I couldn't risk the operation just because I feel naked without her next to me. But she found out anyway. Wish I could have seen her worming the details out of Skinner. You know, I'm such a selfish bastard, I'm glad she's here. The gut-twisting fear isn't as hard to control when she touches me. Even though my finger hurts like hell with her yanking it around like that. Scully still hasn't said one word of reproach because I didn't tell her. She doesn't have to. You can see how upset she is by the way she purses her lips as she concentrates on getting my bones back where they belong. I'll try to make it up to her as soon as this whole operation is over. If I'm alive, that is. I'm on shaky ground with Haley right now. One misstep and I could end up a new victim of their biotoxin. A very nasty way to die, don't you think? I'd hate for Scully to find me like that. I'm going to concentrate on getting myself through this assignment in one piece and then work on earning her forgiveness. The pain in my finger is just a small down- payment toward my atonement. For now, it'll have to be enough for both of us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END Feedback: mimic1172@gmail.com